
You now have free access to over 190,00 ebooks and thousands of journals through the Open Access Digital Theological Library (OADTL)! Look under the “Links” tab on your Populi Library page.

The current trend in the digital information age is to make as much current research and information (like ebooks) available online for free. The challenge has been to access all the free material from one site. Now you can through the OADTL. From a single search page, you can access all open access, religious studies sites as well as a huge selection of ebooks from across the religious spectrum.

The OADTL operates through the Digital Theological Library, a nonprofit organization. The original collection of materials was shared from the digital collections of Claremont School of Theology, Denver Seminary, Evangelical Seminary, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Hartford Seminary, Lexington Theological Seminary, International Baptist Theological Study Centre (Amsterdam), and Singapore Bible College. Professional librarians volunteer their time to continue to add high-quality content to the collection. Currently Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism have the greatest representation.

What about copyrights? Open Access material by definition is published under an open copyright making it free to access. For other content like ebooks, the original host organization is responsible for ensuring there is no copyright infringement.  
