Vision & Mission
Beliefs That Inspire Our Vision and Mission
Vision Statement
Following Acts 1:8, Alaska Bible College will equip and empower people to serve Christ and His Church in local communities, states, regions, and globally through innovative academic experiences.
Mission Statement
Following Acts 1:8, Alaska Bible College will equip and empower people to serve Christ and His Church in local communities, states, regions, and globally through innovative academic experiences.
Mission Strategy
In accordance with the mandate of Matthew 28:19-20 and 2 Timothy 2:2, the College seeks to train servants who lead with Christlike character by...
1. Nurturing students in Bible-based, academic programs that solidify their Christianworldview;
2. Challenging students to deepen their relationship with God;
3. Mentoring students to faithfully utilize their spiritual gifts in culturally-relevant ministries within the church community.
Becoming servants who lead with Christlike character.
Core Values
1. Following Jesus Christ as the example of servant leadership, Alaska Bible College seeks to value what He values. Therefore, Alaska Bible College is committed to the following five core values:
2. Grounded in Scripture – Remaining true to the Word of God as the supreme and final authority for all things pertaining to faith and practice, ABC seeks to adhere faithfully to the Word of God and ABC’s doctrinal position.
3. Driven by Purpose – Training believers to be servants who lead with Christlike character, ABC seeks to conform all activities to the Mission Statement and Mission Strategy.
4.Valuing People – Upholding the dignity and worth of people as God values them and created them in His image, ABC makes nurturing healthy relationships and treating people with respect a
5. Glorifying God – Pursuing excellence in our work and ministry—because God in His essence is goodness, perfection, and excellence—ABC seeks to do all things with excellence, striving toward
His perfection.
6. Transforming Lives – Connecting what is taught both in and out of the classroom with real life, ABC seeks, as the proper goal of all teaching: the changed lives of students.
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